No. Just to busy at work and simply don’t have the time.
I’m confused on the find OpenSource Challenge thing. I used a “fire-trap” to kill the two ogres coming after me. I survived, but it reported that I failed. Why is that?
My code:
while True:
enemy = hero. findNearestEnemy()
hero.buildXY("fire-trap", 10, 14)
Because you’re not supposed to win. This is just for flower ring stuff.
Oh okay. I understand. What is flower ring stuff?
I have a question. Where might I find new level challenges like the ones I did here?
Have you finished the game yet?
No. I’m stuck on the Final Kithmaze.
Defend Anya from ogre attacks and then eradicate them.
Can’t access it. It seems like you forgot to publish it.
Fixed (2000000000)
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Impossible u should test it
I recommend increasing Okar’s damage and/or health.
I’m doing both. I’m going with @Chaboi_3000’s idea.
is it copyright if I make a level using based off another game?
Maybe if you credit it.
what if an employee of the company happens to in codecombat and then sues me. (that was a joke)