[Adventurer] Trapped In Ice

I created a new level: Trapped In Ice

You spawn in a maze of ice, with 4 beam towers at the corners of the map. They continuously deal massive damage to you. See if you can survive for one minute!!

Below is the link to the level:

PM me your solution.


By the way, this is harder than you think… :slight_smile:

@SuperSmacker publish it

Okay, Published (20 char)

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So how’s the level @Chaboi_3000

Can’t play rn cuz I’m on my iPhone X

@SuperSmacker beat it with ease. 0 damage taken

How? (20 characters)

finished with 6 damage. Give longer range to the first beam tower.

Oh wait. I just remembered. There’s this spot between the first beam tower and the 2nd that you could have used as a safe spot. lemme fix

Wow… The day I joined CodeCombat Discourse was Marijuana day :frowning:


:+1: good to know. 20

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btw did anyone manage to beat the level? (very easy if you find the trick)

I did the new way(20)

wdym the new way?? what new way

Oh ya btw @Chaboi_3000, how come when I do your Sacrificial Protection level, when I beat it, it shows a victory screen, but for my level, it doesn’t?

Your edit to trapped in ice

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Wait. Let me undo the changes. I realized that the victory screen only works if the player is not playing the dev version.

Changes restored. I still don’t get how people managed to finish with 0 or 6 damage taken.

can you add some hints?