# You need to find and kill 3 skeletons.
# Skeletons and useful items can be summoned in the points of Power.
# You should move to the point and say the spell "VENI".
# To find the required points use the map from the wizard.
# 0 is a wrong point. Positive numbers are skeletons or useful items.
spell = "VENI"
# The map of points is represented as 2d array of numbers.
wizard = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends())
powerMap = wizard.powerMap
# This function convert grid coordinates to x-y coordinates.
def convert(row, col):
return {'x': 16 + col * 12, 'y': 16 + row * 12}
# You need loop through powerMap and find all positive numbers.
# First, loop through indexes of rows.
for i in range(len(powerMap)):
# Each row is an array. Iterate through it.
for j in range(len(powerMap[i])):
# Get the value of the i-th row and j-th column.
pointValue = powerMap[i][j]
# If it's a positive number:
if (pointValue > 0):
# Use the 'convert' function to get coordinates.
coor = convert(i, j)
hero.moveXY(coor.x, coor.y)
# Move there, say "VENI", fight or pick up an item.
enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
if (enemy):
while enemy.health > 0:
item = hero.findNearestItem()
if (item):
hero.moveXY(item.pos.x, item.pos.y)
i die to the skeleton
I believe your code is correct but you might need better armor and swords because that might be why your dying to the skeleton as I’ve dealt with this myself in the past
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also @Accelerator23 go ahead replace this and try hero.moveXY(point.x, point.y)
@Kyilan_Davis-Kramer i changed to a new sword, and it worked thanks!
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