I think I see the problem. Your for-loop will iterate past the end of the array because of the i-1 you have. Try just using i with no -1 there. So if items.length is, say, 3, then you will want to access indices 0, 1, and 2, but not 3 (because there’s nothing in index 3–that would be the fourth element).
What are you trying to do with the currentShortOfArray variable, by the way?
Oh, I forgot to include this in the code. The above mention variable is used for this line of code I left out: this.move(items[currentShortOfArray].pos);
Now this is the only problem I have. Its same as before. Sorry, I forgot
You should check out what’s happening to currentShortOfArray, then. You set it to 1 in the beginning, but there may not be two items in the array. You should initialize it to, say, -1, and then only move if you found something:
if (currentShortOfArray !== -1)
Same error on the this.move(items[currentShortOfArray].pos);
I checked the variables, and all the ones in the for loop are undefined. currentShortOfArray is some how -1, even though thats not in the code…
@nick YES IT WORKS THANK YOU NICK!!! I changed curClose into two lines like the iPos and iClose, and changed the line var currentShortOfArray = 1; to var currentShortOfArray = 0;. Programming… It perplexes the mind, and the logical system… … . . …