// This array contains the positions of the pens that we want to put the reindeer in.
var penPositions = [{ "x": 20, "y": 24 }, { "x": 28, "y": 24 }, { "x": 36, "y": 24 }, { "x": 44, "y": 24 }, { "x": 52, "y": 24 }];
// This array is used to track which reindeer have been asssigned to which pen.
var assignments = [null, null, null, null, null];
// And this array contains our reindeer.
var friends = hero.findFriends();
// Figure out which reindeer are already in their penPositions.
for (var deerIndex = 0; deerIndex < friends.length; deerIndex++) {
var reindeer = friends[deerIndex];
// Go through each position and see if it matches the reindeer's position.
for (var posIndex = 0; posIndex < penPositions.length; posIndex++) {
var penPos = penPositions[posIndex];
if (penPos.x == reindeer.pos.x && penPos.y == reindeer.pos.y) {
// Put the reindeer in the assignments array in slot posIndex.
assignments[posIndex] = reindeer;
// Remove the reindeer from the friends array.
reindeer = null;
// break out of the inner for loop here to avoid confusion.
// Assign the remaining reindeer to new positions.
for (deerIndex = 0; deerIndex < friends.length; deerIndex++) {
// If the reindeer in this array slot is null, skip this and continue to the next one.
reindeer = friends[deerIndex];
if (reindeer === null) {
// Look for the first pen with nothing already assigned to it.
for (posIndex = 0; posIndex < assignments.length; posIndex++) {
// If there's nothing in this slot of the assignments array, then the pen is open.
if (assignments[posIndex] === null) {
// Put the reindeer in the assignments array.
assignments[posIndex] = reindeer;
// Command the reindeer to move to the pen position.
hero.command(reindeer, "move", penPositions[posIndex]);
// break out of the inner for loop here so we don't reassign the deer.
spend lots of time to check what is wrong with this code, still cannot solve out. plz help me.