SARVEN DESERT: "Don't Rush Be Quiet" (Python)

Hey all,
Technically, I’m not having any problems solving this in code (I already had). But mathematically, I’m kind of lost :sweat:. I understand the concepts of mod30 and mod40 functions (modulo), they return either time - (30 or 40) or just time itself; depending on which interval the time is in:

def mod30(n):
    if n >= 30:
        return n - 30
        return n

Later in the “while-True” loop the code updates the new (x, y) coordinates for next movements:

while True:
    time = hero.time
    x = mod30(time) + 25
    y = mod40(time) + 10
    hero.moveXY(x, y)

Let’s say that:

  • Hero’s next position = (x, y)
  • Game’s time = t

When t = 0, position is (25, 10):

  • x = 25
  • y = 10

Let’s just put it into tracks (segments) for x and y:

  1. 00.0 < t < 30.0
  2. 30.0 =< t < 33.7
  3. 33.7 =< t < 40.0
  4. 40.0 =< t < 45.0
  5. 45.0 =< t < 55.7

Level: (link - location)

1. In each track, what happens to the (x, y) positions of the hero, when time passes (0 : 55.7)?

2. How does the hero move horizontally (-x) like in track 2 or vertically (-y) like in track 4 and keeps moving diagonally?

  1. With the current code, it would continue with:

Although, modulo (%) is actually different than currently presented (Hint 2). You will learn the true modulo in the FizzBuzz level in Cloudrip Mtn.

  1. When the time is greater than 30 it subtracts 30 from the x position, (2), resetting your x == 25.
def mod30(n):
    if n >= 30:
        return n - 30

When the time is greater than 40, it subtracts 40 from the y position, (4) resetting y=10. Since they are using the moveXY(), your hero doesn’t recalculate the time until you reach the current x,y.

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Oh! That explains the horizontal and vertical travel…
Now I get it! Thanks… :+1: