I can´t pass the SarvenTreasure. I need help because I pick up only 134 coins.
This is my code:
// Collect 150 gold while evading ogres with teleporters.
// If you win, it gets harder (and more rewarding).
// If you lose, you must wait a day before you can resubmit.
// Remember, each submission gets a new random seed.
// Returns Best Coin to Move Toward
while(true) {
var minDistance = 20;
var coinIndex = 0;
var coins = hero.findItems();
var ogres = hero.findEnemies();
var ogre = hero.findNearest(ogres);
var closestCoin = hero.findNearest(coins);
while (coinIndex < coins.length) {
var target = coins[coinIndex];
coinIndex += 1;
var distance = hero.distanceTo(target);
if (distance < minDistance && target.value >= 2){
minDistance = distance;
closestCoin = target;
// If no ogre and a coin nearby, get it.
if (minDistance <= 20 && closestCoin !=ogre) {
hero.moveXY(closestCoin.pos.x, closestCoin.pos.y);
//If an ogre and a nearby coin, get the coin unless the ogre is close. If the ogre is close, teleport.
else if (minDistance <= 20 && closestCoin && ogre){
ogreDistance = hero.distanceTo(ogre);
if (ogreDistance >= 10 && closestCoin) {
hero.moveXY(closestCoin.pos.x, closestCoin.pos.y);
else if (closestCoin) {
if (hero.pos.x > 43 && hero.pos.y > 38){
hero.moveXY(75, 50);
if (hero.pos.x > 43 && hero.pos.y <= 38) {
hero.moveXY(75, 20);
if (hero.pos.x <= 43 && hero.pos.y > 38) {
hero.moveXY(5, 50);
if (hero.pos.x <= 43 && hero.pos.y <= 38) {
hero.moveXY(5, 20);