Sir Robin Bravely Ran Away - looked for a more elegant answer and received a class in using Vector

I actually envisioned the escape point concept a little differently. I’m looking to kite in circles and/or potentially irregular shapes, depending on the level. The trick would be identifying the nearest point on the escape track … and then NOT heading to it but rather heading towards either the point before it or the point after it on the track depending on an evaluation function. If you let the escape point pull you directly to it, it could become a corner in the middle of the field (IMO … will be interested to see how you handle it).

My comments on isPathClear can be found here:

The good news is I actually am now on Backwoods Brawl 5 (1600+ hp and a ring of speed helped, yes). The bad news is I can get the “isPathClear” undefined error when surrounded in the middle of the screen now. :frowning: