I don’t know what i’m doing wrong. I’ve looked over my code multiple times and I don’t see why it just makes a straight line. I’ve tried removing and adding a bunch of random stuff to see if it works, but nothing worked. Here’s my code.
// For this level we need to a line fractal for the ground and a hexagonal snowflake made up of 6 line fractals. Check the guide for an image of the desired output.
auto degreesToRadians(auto degrees) {
// All vector operations require working in radians rather than degrees.
return Math.PI / 180 * degrees;
// This function creates a line fractal. Read through it so you understand the recursive concept.
auto line(auto start, auto end) {
// First we need to get the full vector and its magnitude to determine if we are below our minimum threshold.
auto full = Vector.subtract(end, start);
float distance = full.magnitude();
if (distance < 4) {
// If under our threshold distance, then we will simply draw a line along the vector and be done (the return tells us to exit the function).
hero.moveXY(start.x, start.y);
hero.moveXY(end.x, end.y);
// Otherwise we will create our fractal by getting a vector of half magnitude.
auto half = Vector.divide(full, 2);
// We will be creating 4 line fractals (start -> A, A -> B, B -> A, and A -> end) and so we need to calculate the intermediate positions A and B.
auto A = Vector.add(half, start);
// To get B, we need to rotate the vector half 90 degrees and multiply by 2/3 (so it is 1/3 of the original magnitude), then add this to A.
auto rotate = Vector.rotate(half, degreesToRadians(90));
rotate = Vector.multiply(rotate, 2 / 3);
auto B = Vector.add(rotate, A);
// Now just draw the 4 lines using the line functions.
line(start, A);
line(A, B);
line(B, A);
line(A, end);
auto flake (auto start, auto end) {
// To create a hexagonal flake we need to create 6 line fractals rotated by 60 degrees each time.
auto side = Vector.subtract(end, start);
auto a = start;
auto b = end;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
line(a, b);
// To get the next edge, we need to rotate the side 60 degrees.
side = Vector.rotate(side, Math.PI / 3);
// Now need to reset a and b with the beginning and end points for the new side.
a = b;
b = Vector.add(b, side);
int main() {
auto whiteXs = {*new Vector(12, 10), *new Vector(60, 10)};
auto redXs = {*new Vector(64, 52), *new Vector(52, 52)};
// You need to actually call the functions with a start and end vector for each.
// Be sure to use actual Vector objects–simple objects will not work.
// Refresh often to avoid a memory leak and crash (working on it)
return 0;
This is what happens with the code: