I tried it with only this modification and it worked perfectly fine with the code you posted in the first post
using a while true loop gives me an infinite loop, do you mean another type of while loop?
also i dont have a watch with wait
no, it might work in a different while loop, which watch are u using?
simple wristwatch. i dont have any other watch (it might be because i use codecombat for school and not recreation, we have specific courses we do)
ah i see, hmm, lemme c what methods it has
using your code gives me an infinite loop and nothing will run (lanto’s code, i mean)
So you can use hero.time in a while loop
so while hero.time < 7:
do something
this something, let it be the for loop for the archers, and under that code outside the while-loop, keep the one for attacking the warlock
If I try it myself without the loop, the archers will never shoot at the warlock.
I’m now suspecting your version might be different because you are apparently using the classroom version and not the personal version of the site? IDK but it’s quite puzzling
Can you try my full code:
- edited out because the full code was tried out by the user . *
hwo did that work but mine didnt ;-;
When you get stuff like Infinite Loop sometimes reloading+resubmitting the level a few times might fix it. I’m not 100% sure about that but I do know CC is pretty buggy and sometimes gives me issues for no clear reasons
ok gimme a minute to compare the code
oh you edited it out. well it worked but im not sure why
please try to fix your own code, im sure you can do it, and it will work, because if you cant figure it out now you will have a hard time with the upcoming levels
so apparently my code with the health portion was hindering it?? idek why, it usually worked in other levels (should i mark lanto’s reply as the solution? im gonna do it i gotta go)
I’ve never seen any code provided about a health potion. I asked you to post your complete code but I don’t remember anything about a health potion. If you truly post your full code it makes it easier for us to solve
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