Hi, I have been on this level for quite some time now approx. 2.5 hours and I can’t figure out what is wrong with my code can someone help?
Here is my code:
# Tell the wizard the distance to the coming ogres.
# This function finds the nearest enemy and returns the distance to it.
# If there is no enemy, the function returns 0.
def nearestEnemyDistance():
enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
result = 0
if enemy:
result = hero.distanceTo(enemy)
return result
while True:
# Call nearestEnemyDistance() and
# save the result in the variable enemyDistance.
enemyDistance = nearestEnemyDistance()
# If the enemyDistance is greater than 0:
if hero.distanceTo > 0 :
# Say the value of enemyDistance variable.