HAHAh (lol they cant kill you)
hey @Deadpool198 would the steel striker shield work? and i still have no code. I have looked like everywhere and nothing.
Yeah, that would be good. Could you post your current code and a screenshot of your equipment and we can go from there.
i have no code. 20 characters
i used obsidian shield, it is super easy
hero.moveXY(# randomX(archer.pos), randomY)
while True:
enemy = hero.???
if enemy and enemy.type is not ???:
# Do the rest by ur self, steel striker is good. Use the throny ring to
# damage the archers.
# HINT: Attack the archers first
if hero.health < # Whatever hp U have:
# Go retreat
question what is the chest plate and the sword? and i dont have a pet cause im not subscribed, but does the pet help? @EpicCoder999
and @Deadpool198 i dont know why but i cant take a screen shot.
pet doe not help, obsidian armor and steel striker is all u need
hello, i’m having a problem with coding a way to find archers. i just want to know what’s wrong with the code. If you can help, please reply.
def FindArcher():
enemies = hero.findEnemies()
enemyindex = 0
archer = None
while enemyindex < len(enemies):
enemy = enemies[enemyindex]
if enemy.type == "archer":
archer = enemy
enemyindex = 0
return archer
Archers are a human unit, so you cannot find it, it is not an enemy
you can move to a pos like
hero.moveXY(80, 70)
for i in range(15):
enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
# Retreat
hero.moveXY(hero.pos.x - 30, hero.pos.y)
from archer import soldier
I just moved to an xy pos and it killed all the archers then all you have to deal with is the orges.
Oh, so what you are saying is that i can’t find the archer clone because it’s a human type still, not an enemy type? so by moving near them i can just find them and a general enemy and attack them then?
Also, you didn’t attack the enemy, add:
def killArcher(enemies):
archer = None
for enemy in enemies:
if enemy.type == 'archer':
archer = enemy
while enemy.health > 0: #add this
archer is human type by default, so you cannot find it
Ok, so just find and attack instead of find first then attack with another set of code? Thank you. I’ll try that.
Also, is that python or java? i’ve only practiced with python and i don’t recognize those commands. if it’s java, can you please translate it to python? Thanks.
It is python, not java