[SOLVED] Cloudrip commander not working?

here is my code

// Summon some soldiers, then direct them to your base.

// Each soldier costs 20 gold.
while (hero.gold > hero.costOf("soldier")) {
var soldiers = hero.findFriends();
var soldierIndex = 0;
// Add a while loop to command all the soldiers.
while(true) {
var soldier = soldiers[soldierIndex];
hero.command(soldier, "defend", {x: 50, y: 40});

// Go join your comrades!
hero.moveXY(51, 41);

You’re almost there, you just need to command them to “move” not “defend”. There’s also another problem in the while loop, but I’ll let you try and figure it out first.

this is my new code but only 1 soldier goes to the cross

// Summon some soldiers, then direct them to your base.

// Each soldier costs 20 gold.
while (hero.gold > hero.costOf("soldier")) {
var soldiers = hero.findFriends();
var soldierIndex = 0;
// Add a while loop to command all the soldiers.
while (true){

var soldier = soldiers[soldierIndex];
hero.command(soldier, "move", {x: 50, y: 40});

// Go join your comrades!
hero.moveXY(50, 40);

Deadpool: you just need to command them to “move” not “defend”.
I substituted ‘move’ with “defend” in my code and the code ran for the same time.
defend = move + attack ( if there is an enemy)
@CODEBOY2 : You have

var soldierIndex = 0;

and you must use this variable in the while loop. And do you really need while(true) loop?
May be while( somthing_else) loop?

I know it works in this level, but I think it’s important to know the difference, in this level all you want to do is “move” not “defend”.

what do you mean? other while true loop

while (true) lasts for ever, you can use other while() loops.

while(soldierIndex < 10) {

Like that. If you need more help go back to the desert, there are lots of levels about while loops there.

i dont know much on how to make other while() loops.

See https://codecombat.com/play/level/sarven-savior? and use the same logic.

i have no idea (thinking20)

A while loop is a loop which continues until a certain condition is true.
A while true loop continues for ever. (Unless you break)
Here’s and example of a while loop:

var enemies = hero.findEnemies();
while(enemies.length > 0) { // this is looping until there are 0 enemies (enemies.length === 0)
    var enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy();
    if(enemy) {
        hero.attack(enemy); // once you've killed all the enemies it will stop looping
    var enemies = hero.findEnemies(); // updating enemies so when it loops round it registers that you've killed an enemy.

The while loop you need for this level needs an index, which you can increase by one each time you command a soldier to move. This means you can compare the index with the friends.length to check when you should stop.
Do you understand it a bit more now?

as you can see you i am not good at length and index

like this?

var soldierIndex =+ 1;

An easier way to do it is this:

soldierIndex ++
// That increments the variable by one, no "var" needed.
// next you need to use it in your while loop.


ok but in the level i see this

var soldierIndex =+ 1;

what does this do

You must have added that, in the original level it just has this:

// Summon some soldiers, then direct them to your base.

// Each soldier costs 20 gold.
while (hero.gold > hero.costOf("soldier")) {
var soldiers = hero.findFriends();
var soldierIndex = 0;
// Add a while loop to command all the soldiers.

var soldier = soldiers[soldierIndex];
hero.command(soldier, "move", {x: 50, y: 40});

// Go join your comrades!
//the correct usage is: 
soldierIndex += 1;
//with the + before the =.


thx i solved it (20chass)