[Solved] Difficulty coin help!

I’m pretty sure I got the correct code but it won’t spawn the ogres or destroy the coins.

[Code withdrawn by author]

this line is not working for some reason


if item.type == 'silver-coin' or item.type == 'bronze-coin' or item.type == 'gold-coin':

or simple

if item:
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FYI, this level is not actually released yet. So enter at your own risk :slight_smile: There are probably bugs.

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Thanks! but I signed up as an adventurer and got to play that though Cat. :wink:

Thanks @htrnblr it worked!

Mee,too but I can’t solve. How can I solve?

Please post your code as well so we can see it.


Create a hero

hero = game.spawnHeroXY(‘samurai’, 40, 47)
hero.maxHealth = 1500
hero.maxSpeed = 10

Create three coins to collect.

copperCoin = game.spawnXY(‘bronze-coin’, 26, 33)
silverCoin = game.spawnXY(‘silver-coin’, 44, 28)
goldCoin = game.spawnXY(‘gold-coin’, 60, 44)

Create a manual goal to collect one coin.

chooseGoal = game.addManualGoal(‘Choose wisely’)
game.difficulty = ‘…’

Add visuals

ui.track(game, ‘difficulty’)
ui.track(game, ‘score’)
hero.say(‘Which should I choose…’)

def onCollect(event):
# When the hero collects a coin, destroy the other
# two and build the level based on difficulty choice.
item = event.other
if item.type == ‘coin’:
if item.value == 1:
game.difficulty = ‘Easy’
if item.value == 2:
game.difficulty = ‘Medium’
# Destroy the copper and gold coins
if item.value == 3:
# Set game difficulty to “Impossible”
game.difficulty = ‘Impossible’
# Destroy the silver and gold coins
# Set chooseGoal.success to True
chooseGoal.success = True
hero.on(‘collect’, onCollect)

def beginFight():
if game.difficulty == ‘Easy’:
# Create a few barriers and weak enemies
game.spawnXY(‘forest’, 56, 54)
game.spawnXY(‘forest’, 56, 46)
game.spawnXY(‘forest’, 56, 38)
game.spawnXY(‘forest’, 9, 23)
game.spawnXY(‘forest’, 17, 23)
game.spawnXY(‘forest’, 25, 23)

    ogre1 = game.spawnXY('munchkin-m', 11, 14)
    ogre1.behavior = "AttacksNearest"
    ogre2 = game.spawnXY('munchkin-m', 67, 51)
    ogre2.behavior = "AttacksNearest"
    ogre3 = game.spawnXY('munchkin-m', 66, 13)
    ogre3.behavior = "AttacksNearest"
    hero.say('This battle is laughably easy!')

if game.difficulty == 'Medium':
    # Create medium-difficulty enemies in a maze
    ogre = game.spawnXY('ogre-f', 45, 43)
    ogre.behavior = "AttacksNearest"
    ogre = game.spawnXY('ogre', 42, 40)
    ogre.behavior = "AttacksNearest"
    ogre = game.spawnXY('munchkin', 60, 13)
    ogre.behavior = "AttacksNearest"
    ogre = game.spawnXY('munchkin', 60, 19)
    ogre.behavior = "AttacksNearest"
    ogre = game.spawnXY('archer-f', 13, 28)
    ogre.behavior = "AttacksNearest"
    ogre = game.spawnXY('archer-f', 13, 44)
    ogre.behavior = "AttacksNearest"
    hero.say('This is non-trivial...')

if game.difficulty == 'Impossible':
    # Create a cluster of various enemies,
    # with nowhere to hide!
    i = 0
    while i < 20:
        randomUnit = game.randomInteger(0,9)
        randomX = game.randomInteger(13,60)
        randomY = game.randomInteger(13,60)
        if randomUnit >= 8:
            unitType = 'ogre'
        elif randomUnit >= 6:
            unitType = 'thrower'
            unitType = 'munchkin'
        unit = game.spawnXY(unitType, randomX, randomY)
        unit.behavior = 'AttacksNearest'
        i += 1
    hero.say("Oh I'm in trouble...")

def onDefeat(event):
# Keep score. The harder the difficulty, the
# higher the score can be!
if event.target.type == ‘munchkin’:
game.score += 1
if event.target.type == ‘thrower’:
# Add 3 to the game score.
game.score += 3
# if the target is an ‘ogre’
if event.target.type == ‘ogre’:
# add 10 to the game score
game.score += 10
hero.say('defeated ’ + event.target.type)

Add the event handlers

game.setActionFor(“munchkin”, “defeat”, onDefeat)
game.setActionFor(“ogre”, “defeat”, onDefeat)
game.setActionFor(“headhunter”, “defeat”, onDefeat)