I can’t find any mistakes in my code. However I do get that error line (see pic). Why doesn’t the game recognize the variable lowHPal ? I defined it above. Plus the Paladins die and I can’t fix it.
// Your goal is to protect Reynaldo
// Find the paladin with the lowest health.
function lowestHealthPaladin() {
var lowestHealth = 99999;
var lowestFriend = null;
var friends = hero.findFriends();
for (var f = 0; f < friends.length; f++) {
var friend = friends[f];
if (friend.type != "paladin") {
if (friend.health < lowestHealth && friend.health < friend.maxHealth) {
lowestHealth = friend.health;
lowestFriend = friend;
return lowestFriend;
function commandPaladin(paladin) {
var lowHPal = lowestHealthPaladin();
if (lowHPal) {
if (paladin.canCast("heal", lowHPal)) {
hero.say(paladin + " will cast heal on " + lowHPal);
hero.command(paladin, "cast", "heal", lowHPal);
hero.command(lowHPal, "shield");
var enemy = paladin.findNearestEnemy();
if (enemy) {
hero.command(paladin, "attack", enemy);
function commandPeasant(peasant) {
if (peasant) {
var coin = peasant.findNearestItem();
if (coin) {
hero.command(peasant, "move", coin.pos);
function commandGriffin(griffin) {
var enemy = griffin.findNearestEnemy();
if (enemy) {
hero.command(griffin, "attack", enemy);
function commandFriends() {
var friends = hero.findFriends();
for (var i = 0; i < friends.length; i++) {
var friend = friends[i];
if (friend.type == "peasant") {
} else if (friend.type == "griffin-rider") {
} else if (friend.type == "paladin") {
while (true) {
// Summon griffin riders!
if (hero.gold >= hero.costOf("griffin-rider")) {
After trying to beat the level with better achievement ( I failed , simply saved all my warriors as before) I noticed Kaija_Solod has passed the level. So for those still interested:
The second image is taken from another thread about ‘Grim Determination’. See the similarities? Change Taric with Antary but:
The second part of the message is messed. I think this is a BUG .
The reason for the second message is Taric has switched to enemy camp. The solution not to conmand him is to make a check if ( unit.team == “humans" )
This will not solve the problems she had in her original function commandPaladin(paladin) even if she has passed the level with it. I think all the code is better to be put in a single
if ( condition1) // code
else if ( condition2) // code
// more else ifs if needed
// command paladin to do something if his health is OK ( are they all male?)
Hi Xython, I unfortunately DID NOT pass the level. (could you please edit your message so that others don’t think I did.) I put Python code there instead just to move forward. I’m still working on this level. I changed my code a little, and the “error” dissapeared. However! My Paladins still don’t heal??? I would like to know why. Here is my new code:
// Your goal is to protect Reynaldo
// Find the paladin with the lowest health.
function lowestHealthPaladin() {
var lowestHealth = 99999;
var lowestFriend = null;
var friends = hero.findFriends();
for (var f = 0; f < friends.length; f++) {
var friend = friends[f];
if (friend.type != "paladin") {
if (friend.health < lowestHealth && friend.health < friend.maxHealth) {
lowestHealth = friend.health;
lowestFriend = friend;
return lowestFriend;
function commandPaladin(paladin) {
var lowHPal = lowestHealthPaladin();
if (lowHPal) {
if (paladin.canCast("heal", lowHPal)) {
hero.say(paladin + " will cast heal on " + lowHPal);
hero.command(paladin, "cast", "heal", lowHPal);
hero.command(lowHPal, "shield");
var enemy = paladin.findNearestEnemy();
if (enemy && enemy.type == "warlock") {
hero.command(paladin, "attack", enemy);
} else if (enemy && enemy.type != "warlock") {
hero.command(paladin, "attack", enemy);
function commandPeasant(peasant) {
var peasants = hero.findByType("peasant");
var hector = peasants[1];
var rose = peasants[0];
if (hector) {
var coin1 = hector.findNearest(hero.findItems());
if (coin1 && coin1.pos.y > 40) {
hero.command(hector, "move", coin1.pos);
if (rose) {
var coin2 = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems());
if (coin2 && coin2.pos.y < 40) {
hero.command(rose, "move", coin2.pos);
function commandGriffin(griffin) {
var enemy = griffin.findNearestEnemy();
if (enemy) {
hero.command(griffin, "attack", enemy);
function commandFriends() {
var friends = hero.findFriends();
for (var i = 0; i < friends.length; i++) {
var friend = friends[i];
if (friend.type == "peasant") {
} else if (friend.type == "griffin-rider") {
} else if (friend.type == "paladin") {
while (true) {
// Summon griffin riders!
if (hero.gold >= hero.costOf("griffin-rider")) {
Thank you, I already did that though - and I’m not even asking for the solution. The only thing I ask for is to determine why my paladins won’t heal. Any ideas at all, anyone? Would be very thankful.
Thanks there, but I already removed every “say” statement and even “shield” bc somehow(!) it was what obstructed paladins from healing. I also tried your suggestion to not stack up, and instead use if/else. I tried it before, and it didn’t work. However! I realized I had if(LowHPal) instead of if (lowHPal && paladin.canCast("heal", lowHPal)), and that was my main problem, bc there simply always was someone hurt. I now get to literally the last second of the game but every paladin still dies plus my minefield is blown! You drive me crazy CodeCombat
"shield ” bc somehow(!) obstructed paladins from healing." - not somehow - htrnbl has explained why
/ he’s the most prominent level champion/…
Organize every action in if( smth0)/ else if (smth1)/…/else (smthX)
Imagine the situation as in real battle:
Every warrior must fight when not mortally wounded:
friend.health < friend.maxHealth/some_value
The priority is to keep him alive - so:
if( smth0) {heal him }
else if (smth1) {tell him to shield}
else( everything is OK) {fight}
My structure isn’t exactly the same, but the idea is clear.
Not sure exactly what happens… But I passed the level when hit “Submit”. Although I didn’t get a bonus. Then, I used heal and shield in one statement- and with “run” I did not pass anything. However with submit I passed the whole thing! Thank you all for your ideas.
Is there a thing with choosing to hit “run” or “submit”?
Clicking Run uses the same seed no matter what, so all runs will use the same seed. Submit uses a random seed every time, so some submissions may be unlucky, some may not.