I have been struggling a lot to solve this level and still am.
I am using the Promatticon III, Mahogany Glasses, Quartz Sense Stone, Basic Flag, Tarnished Bronze Armor, Long Sword, Sundinal WristWatch, Deflector and Leather Boots. this is my code
You’ll need good strategy to win this one!
Your clone will have the same equipment you have!
But, they’re not very skilled at using special powers.
hero.moveXY(80, 78)
while True:
enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
flag = hero.findFlag()
if enemy.type != “sand-Yak” and hero.isReady(“cleave”):
elif enemy.type != “sand-Yak”:
if flag:
if hero.health<500:
hero.moveXY(35, 70)
elif enemy.type != “Sand-Yak”:
hero.say(“Easy There”)
But when i do it, all the red teammates die and my hero attack the yak. I honestly cant do this level so please help.
For this level, you should attack the archers first and then go for your clone. The archers do the most damage. And can you post your code correctly like Grzmot asked you to?
P.S. Welcome to the forum!!
P.P.S You’ll need armor with special powers, like bash, cleave, throw (ranger).