[SOLVED] Help with Wishing Well

Can’t figure out what’s wrong

// You need exactly 104 gold. 

var less = "Nimis";
var more = "Non satis";
var requiredGold = 104;

// This function calculates the sum of all coin values.
function sumCoinValues(coins) {
    var coinIndex = 0;
    var totalValue = 0;
    // Iterate all coins.
    while (coinIndex < coins.length) {
        totalValue += coins[coinIndex].value;
    return totalValue;

function collectAllCoins() {
    var item = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems());
    while (item) {
        hero.moveXY(item.pos.x, item.pos.y);
        item = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems());

while (true) {
    var items = hero.findItems();
    // Get the total value of coins.
    var goldAmount = sumCoinValues(items);
    // If there are coins, then goldAmount isn't zero.
    if (goldAmount !== 0) {
        // If goldAmount is less than requiredGold
        // Then say "Non satis".
        if (goldAmount < requiredGold){
        // If goldAmount is greater than requiredGold
        if (goldAmount > requiredGold){
        // Then say "Nimis".
        // If goldAmount is exactly equal to requiredGold
        if (goldAmount == requiredGold){
        // If there is exactly 104 gold, then collect all coins.


I have solved my issue