[SOLVED] I can not seem to figure it out because I put what the game said to put but the basin just keep kicking my charecter

while True:
    enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
    xPos = hero.pos.x + 5
    yPos = 17
    if enemy:
        # Adjust y up or down to get away from yaks.
        if enemy.pos.y > hero.pos.y:
            # If the Yak is above you, subtract 3 from yPos.
            if enemy.pos.y < hero.pos.y:
                y = y  -3
        elif enemy.pos.y < hero.pos.y:
            # If the Yak is below you, add 3 to yPos.
            y = y  +3
    hero.moveXY(xPos, yPos)

Welcome to the forum!!!
Please send me a link to the level, so that I can help u :smile:

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Sorry, im in school on my iPad right now, and my game glitched. @AnSeDra, could you help?
Also, do you think your equipment might be a problem?


I checked my gear and I don’t think it is the problem

Ok, as said i Can only make assumptions right now…

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Maybe, you have too much space between „ y = y +3“ or by „y = y -3“?

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Hey @avery_witte,
Welcome to CodeCombat Discourse! :tada: Instead of y = y - 3 or y = y + 3, you must use the variable yPos or else it won’t work. If you look closely at moveXY(), it uses yPos instead of y. You can also simplify yPos = yPos - 3 or yPos = yPos + 3 to yPos -= 3 and yPos += 3. Also be sure to get in the habit of consistent whitespace. Some programming languages such as Swift will return an error if your whitespaces aren’t equal.


That should be good…


maybe I could check the code

Irregular whitespaces should be fine for Python. It’s the variable naming that’s making the code break.

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Also take in @Chaboi_3000 advice. He/she is better than me in coding :smile:

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oh thanks that fixed the problem

SO, did you complete the level?

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yes I did I did complete the level

Then, congrats! :partying_face:

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it said success but then a basin just started kicking me around at like last second while trying to get to the oasis

Can you senden a screenshot of your results?

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but it changed the success into a incomplete