Try picking a simple hero, barricading yourself in with fences and shielding. After all, the goal is to survive, not to defeat all the enemies… I mean, there are just too many there, especially the skeletons. The witch and the warlock should be easy compared to them. Try thinking outside of the box!
ok, that’s one way to win, and a good one! However, I do want to kill at least the warlock, because I have never killed one before…
if all else fails I will most definitely use your tactic, it doesn’t involve fighting but it’s very effective.
Got any fighting solutions? (I really wanna kill that warlock)
Do you have Ritic? You could blink behind the warlock, backstab him (say with the Dragontooth) and then phase shift into the room with the gems in it. Otherwise, I would get a warrior, and target the warlock without paying attention to the witch and the skeletons. Actually, on second thoughts, you might want to take out the witch so that she doesn’t heal the other nuisances. You could do all this with code like:
warlock = hero.findByType("warlock")[0]
# Attack it here:
witch = hero.findByType("witch")[0]
# Attack it here:
Wow… it almost got the warlock, but then it killed the bomb and re-summoned it for his team, then I re-summoned it for my team, and THEN… it exploded the warlock, and the whole of my forces, into a thousand tiny pieces. Thank you so much for your help! I needed to use the warlock = hero.findByType(“warlock”) thing for it to work.
By the way I do not have ritic, although I am saving for him, currently I have ~6000 gems
Congrats ! It sounds like that poor robobomb became an epic double agent! Legends of that robobomb will be passed down through the ages! That sounds like an epic story though - if only you could take a gif or record it somehow so we could see it!