[SOLVED] Power points please help

i’m having trouble on this level. please help me. i don’t know what i’m doing wrong.
here’s my code:

spell = "VENI"
wizard = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends())
powerMap = wizard.powerMap

def convert(row, col):
    return {'x': 16 + col * 12, 'y': 16 + row * 12}

for i in range(len(powerMap)):
    for j in range(len(powerMap[i])):
        pointValue = powerMap[i][j]
        if pointValue and pointValue > 0:
            convert(i, j)
            hero.move({i.pos, j.pos})
            enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
            if enemy:

Here is the problem. Try to put what the convert function returns in a variabile pos then moveXY to pos.x and pos.y.
And if there is no enemy, then find the nearest item and moveXY to its position.
Do you need any more assistance at this level?

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thanks, i’ll try it (20)

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here’s my new code. it says that i and j are undefined.

for i in range(len(powerMap)):
    for j in range(len(powerMap[i])):
        pointValue = powerMap[i][j]
        if i and j and pointValue and pointValue > 0:
            convert(i, j)
            hero.moveXY(i.pos.x, j.pos.y)
            enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
            if enemy:
            coin = hero.findNearestItem()
            if coin:
                hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y)

Here put

posi = convert(i, j)

And here

MoveXY to posi.pos.
Do you need any more assistance at this level?

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apparently posi.pos is null.
here’s my code:

spell = "VENI"
wizard = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends())
powerMap = wizard.powerMap

def convert(row, col):
    return {'x': 16 + col * 12, 'y': 16 + row * 12}

for i in range(len(powerMap)):
    for j in range(len(powerMap[i])):
        pointValue = powerMap[i][j]
        if i and j and pointValue and pointValue > 0:
            posi = convert(i, j)
            enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
            if enemy:
            coin = hero.findNearestItem()
            if coin:
                hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y)

Here put:


Do you need any more assistance at this level?

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it says "cannot read x of undefined’ for this line:
hero.moveXY(posi.pos.x, posi.pos.y)

here’s the rest of the code:

spell = "VENI"
wizard = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends())
powerMap = wizard.powerMap

def convert(row, col):
    return {'x': 16 + col * 12, 'y': 16 + row * 12}

for i in range(len(powerMap)):
    for j in range(len(powerMap[i])):
        pointValue = powerMap[i][j]
        if i and j and pointValue and pointValue > 0:
            posi = convert(i, j)
            hero.moveXY(posi.pos.x, posi.pos.y)
            enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
            if enemy:
            coin = hero.findNearestItem()
            if coin:
                hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y)

Try to delete this. Does it work now?

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the same result came out.

Can you send me the link to the level?

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Here put

hero.moveXY( posi.x, posi.y)

Have you completed the level?

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my hero’s not moving. why?
here’s my code:

spell = "VENI"
wizard = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends())
powerMap = wizard.powerMap

def convert(row, col):
    return {'x': 16 + col * 12, 'y': 16 + row * 12}

for i in range(len(powerMap)):
    for j in range(len(powerMap[i])):
        pointValue = powerMap[i][j]
        if pointValue and pointValue > 0:
            posi = convert(i, j)
            hero.moveXY(posi.x, posi.y)
            enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
            while enemy == True:
                if enemy:
            item = hero.findNearestItem()
            if item:
                hero.moveXY(item.pos.x, item.pos.y)

Here put only
while enemy and enemy.health > 0 and in the while loop attack the enemy.
Do you need any more assistance at this level?

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i beat the level :partying_face:

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Then congratulations for completing the level! :partying_face:

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