hi i’ve been trying this code for a while, but i don’t know what’s wrong. here’s the code:
def findFriendByName(name):
friends = hero.findFriends()
for i in range(len(friends)):
if friends[i].id == name:
return friends[i]
return None
sergeant = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends())
wereList = sergeant.wereList
wereNames = wereList.split(",")
for h in wereNames:
wereyeti = wereNames.trim
hero.command(h, "move", {"":48, "":47})
thanks for your help
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@AnSeDra, could you help me on this level please?
Ok. I will try to help you debug your code.
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Here put
hero.command(h, "move", {"x":48, "y":47})
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Here put
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Here put
Instead of wereNames put wereName.
Does it work now?
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it says that inside the move argument there should be a unit in the unit argument, but it’s null. why?
Can you reshow me your code?
there aren’t any errors but the hero doesn’t do anything. here’s the code:
def findFriendByName(name):
friends = hero.findFriends()
for i in range(len(friends)):
if friends[i].id == name:
return friends[i]
return None
sergeant = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends())
wereList = sergeant.wereList
wereNames = wereList.split(",")
for wereName in wereNames:
wereyeti = wereName.trim
h = findFriendByName(wereyeti)
if h:
hero.command(h, "move", {"x":48, "y":47})
Can you send me a link to the level?
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Thanks.(20 chars) I will look at my code to refresh my mind with the level.
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yes it does. thanks @AnSeDra!
No problem! Glad I could help you! And congratulations for completing the level!
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