[SOLVED] Zoo keeper help?

my code is supposed to get my hero to gather gold, summon soldiers, send them to some points and then they are supposed to defend a box. over all it works, but the issue is that they only go so far. they dont make it to their points i told them to go too. thank you in advance

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Oopsy doopy daisy

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my hero is not collecting any coins, so I can’t summon any soldiers. here is my code.

// Protect the cage.
// Put a soldier at each X.
var points = [];
points[0] = {x: 33, y: 42};
points[1] = {x: 47, y: 42};
points[2] = {x: 33, y: 26};
points[3] = {x: 47, y: 26};

// 1. Collect 80 gold.
while(hero.gold >= 80) {
    while(true) {
       let item = hero.findNearestItem();
       if (item) {
            hero.moveXY(item.pos.x, item.pos.y);    
// 2. Build 4 soldiers.
for (let i=0; i < 4; i++) {

// 3. Send your soldiers into position.
while(true) {
    var friends = hero.findFriends();
    for(var j=0; j < friends.length; j++) {
        var point = points[j];
        var friend = friends[j];
        var enemy = friend.findNearestEnemy();
        if(enemy && enemy.team == "ogres" && friend.distanceTo(enemy) < 5) {
            // Command friend to attack.
            hero.command(friend, "attack", enemy);
        } else {
            // Command friend to move to point.
            hero.command(friend, "move", point);

Figured it out! :grinning:

Changed ‘while(hero.gold >= 80)’ to ‘while(hero.gold < 80)’.