I’m thinking of adding a new strategy to fight them.
Few, I’m almost done. Just gotta’ finish coding the warlock fight and code strategy 4!
You know, you could change lowest health to lowestHealth = 99999
The warlock fight… hmm… it’s really hard to beat him if the warlock could see you, because it would shoot magic-missiles at you, and when you attack it would heal himself, he would summon skeletons, And he could cast grow on skeletons, so they can get 600 health, and he could heal those skeletons. Also avoid attacking the chieftain directly, because it’s attack points is very large and it attacks all targets around it and it could do warcry and it has 800 health.
This is what happen when your code is too big did not know it was possible
I tried to make minionsAI settings completely configurable with booleans lol.
thanks a lot for sharing. i can see you have some good experience with this and i was wondering if i may ask you questions, of course if you don’t mind? i just need a bit of guidance
it is my pleasure to help people, when I can
Hey, do any of you guys have a surefire way to make sure your hero is all healed up before leaving a room? I might just buy something with wait on it, so my army will just wait while the paladins are charging up to heal me. Also, should I prefer enemies in the final room?
Hey, does the cheiftan have a type? I can use that to avoid him if necessary. Also, I didn’t have much problems with the warlock fight. My health got low, but the paladins healed me.
Hey, what coding languages do you know?
YES!!! I did it! After… let’s see… 91 replies! I finally defeated a level of a video game! There goes days of my life!
I know a bit of python and almost nothing of visual basic,
I would be a bit arrogant to say I know completely python, there is a lot of stuff I don’t know yet!
okay. just was wondering.
The chieftain is type chieftain.
This topic has even more replies than most of the official topics now.
dang this topic is huge
Your topic is probably the largest one.
I never thought it’s gonna be that famous. I created that when I was still a basic XD
Yours has 147 posts, and when someone replies to this, it would be 100. Future message: congratulations! you are the 100th poster!
XD(100th message) and so characters