© ?{SPOILERS FREE}[“Doritos included"]Editing Google, CodeCombat hero slots,CodeCombat map, Doritos and other stuff LOL [Also Some Movie Ratings + Some Songs]FORTNITE!/#wayTooLongTopicDescription #TheTopicIsConfusingLOL.#IlluminatiConfirmed#OOF (Part 1)

joined your clan your yolkpro 88?

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I’m Moy#1 sweet level 35

im level 38 but good job it took a long time for me to get there

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I was at max 43? I dunno maybe in the middle of 42 and 43

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I just beat the arryn stonewall levels with ritic the cold. Too easy.

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The highest level you can get to @riticmaster9087 is 42 ask @Deadpool198

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you can get to 43 after like 2 years of completing brawls and simulating or smth

no @cheddarcheese the higher the level you want to reach the harder it is because you need more XP you need

but like 5 years worth of expereince from completing brawls and simulating

That’s the highest I’ve seen. I think you could get to 43 through simulating and winning brawls, but you’d have to be on like 1,000,000 simulations and 15 on every brawl so…

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that is crazy has anyone done it

i dunno but 5 years worth of xp should be enough

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that is way to much devotion

imagine if someone actually got to level 66 by playing codecombat for 35 years

as I said I said maybe (that was about 60 weeks ago… )

happy 4300 comments!!!(sorry deadpool198 I can’t help it)

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yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! we did it!

can we get it to 5k comments???

0.7k replies more… :unamused:

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Probably by next next week

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