Steelclaw Gap Javascript

Hey guys,

Please help me with the code it think it something regarding modulus

this.summonTroops = function() {
    var type = summonTypes[this.built.length % summonTypes.length];
    if( >= this.costOf(type)) {

this.commandTroops = function() {
    var friends = this.findFriends();
    for(var friendIndex=0; friendIndex < friends.length; friendIndex++) {
        var friend = friends[friendIndex];
        // Use % to wrap around defendPoints based on friendIndex
       defendPoints = defendPoints[ friendIndex % defendPoints.length ];
        // Command your minion to defend the defendPoint
        this.command(friend, "defend", defendPoints);

loop {

Thanks in advance

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You are overwriting the defendPoints variable here (defendPoints = defendPoints[...]):

        defendPoints = defendPoints[ friendIndex % defendPoints.length ];
        // Command your minion to defend the defendPoint
        this.command(friend, "defend", defendPoints);


        var defendPoint = defendPoints[ friendIndex % defendPoints.length ];
        // Command your minion to defend the defendPoint
        this.command(friend, "defend", defendPoint);
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tried it but now showing a null error:

can you please tell, actually what is expected out of this level


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thanks got where i was wrong instead of defining a variable twice have changed the variable name :wink: