As I was working on The Trials, I thought of a way to abstract out the notion of finding the nearest entity of a particular type, dealing with it, and then finding the next until all entities were removed. So I came up with the below code… but the compiling message never goes away, and I eventually get the message that “Code never finished,” with none of the entities in the game world doing anything and no time elapsing in the timing bar.
def processAll(find, act):
all_of_them = find()
while len(all_of_them) > 0:
nearest = self.findNearest(all_of_them)
all_of_them = find()
def kill(enemy):
while > 0:
def pickUp(item):
self.moveXY(item.pos.x, item.pos.y)
processAll(self.findEnemies, kill)
processAll(self.findItems, pickUp)
Please cross-reference What’s going on with Python closures?. My problem is not quite the same as dzhang314’s problem, in that I’m not actually returning a function from any functions, but in both cases we’re passing functions around, so I suspect that the same weakness in the compiler is involved.
EDIT: I should note that I also tried doing the following, suspecting that the root of the problem might be that Python self
is directly translated to this
when cross-compiling to Javascript, and Javascript (if I recall correctly) has an issue where this
only refers to the object to the left of the period at the call site, making it impossible to directly pass instance methods around.
def findEnemies():
return self.findEnemies()
def findItems():
return self.findItems()
processAll(findEnemies, kill)
processAll(findItems, pickUp)
In this case, while the code compiled without any error messages, the hero did not actually do anything and was immediately slaughtered helplessly by the surrounding ogres.