Troops are not responding to any commands on this level. I have been breezing through the game for the most part. I am stuck for days.
Someone having a similar issue posted
Summits Gate, Functions, and Lazy Troops (Help?).
I am using java, and tried tried writing basic code to command them without any functions. They still do not listen. As a note, a hero.say( arch); command after the first for loops produces a full list of the archers.
Here is my code:
while(true) {
var alis = hero.findFriends();
var archs = [];
for( var i = 0; i < alis.length ; i++)
if( alis[i].type == "archer" )
archs.push( alis[i] );
for( var i = 0; i < archs.lenght; i++ )
hero.command( archs[i], "move", {x:12,y:37} );