Talk about The Legend of Zelda

I did water the next day. It took forever for me to get to rudania, though, and I ave been killed in the Yiga hideout more times than I can count, but still haven’t passed it.

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I think you have to get 13 hearts and then you can get it.


i forgot to say 3 or 4 days ago i defeated fire blight and today wind blight, any tips for thunder blight?

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i don’t know a lot of zelda but my favorite character is link himself. (i used to watch my dad play but all he did was go through half a game soooo)

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I watch my dad play sometimes (he rarely plays) but when he does he gets through a lot. He tried out Majora’s Mask, but at the very least, dad played a week after he last played. And Majora’s Mask is a very weird game. So it was hard for him so play. Eventually I just played through it and I’m pretty sure my dad quit.

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My da RARELY plays Minecraft (That is the only game he will play by himself) And I would consider me the best at video games in the house. But when he plays he doesn’t do much… I wonder if he would play Link :thinking:

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ive defeated thunder blight yesterday with my master sword

it was kinda easy


Good job! (20 chars)

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awesome! (20 chars that awesome!)

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dont try to do a flurry rush but deflect the attacks

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did you use the rubber armor with set bonus?

Just listening to monk Maz Koshia theme while reading through the discourse.


I made this topic, and I think I’m the most clueless person on here. I have no idea what most of you are talking about XD

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no and i dont even know hot to get it

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last night I did master kohga and thunderblight ganon. I also got the thunder helm.


What is Zelda? (20 chars)

The Legend of Zelda is a video game.
This princess named Zelda is kidnapped by a horrible monster named Ganon or Ganondorf.
A boy named Link, tries to rescue her. There’s sword fighting and side quests and there are many bad guys that you have to fight.


Oh thxs en (20 chars)

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Hey @_Codemaster, have you finished BOTW yet?

why after i defeat ganon in botw do i need to teleport to my last saved file?
do you need all shrine or something?