I don’t know how to do it
Can you send your code here? Or do you have no code?
Let yaks get close, then move 10m right to dodge.
Dodge 4 yaks to complete the level.
while True:
# Get hero’s current x and y position.
x = hero.pos.x
y = hero.pos.y
# Find the nearest yak.
yak = hero.findNearestEnemy()
# If the distanceTo the yak is less than 10:
if hero.distanceTo(yak) < 10:
# To move right, add 10 to hero's x position.
hero.moveXY(+ 10)
# Use moveXY(x, y) to move!
hero.moveXY() needs 2 parameters, you need to be
hero.moveXY(hero.pos.x, hero.pos.y +
I don’t know python much, but I think you should put the x and the y in the hero.moveXY
hero.moveXY(x + 10, y)
I didi the Mighty Sand Yak
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Need code for that level?
No, solutions are not allowed on the discourse so its fine
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