The Two Flowers

Hector is the peasant, he won’t attack, he just tries to evade ogres. You don’t need to give him any commands. :slight_smile:

Since you are the hero, then you can refer to the hero with self (Python, Lua), this (JavaScript, Clojure), or @ (CoffeeScript). This means that everytime you type self, this, or @ into the code editor, it is referring to you, the hero of the game.

self==hero==“Anya” ?

self.command(soldier, "attack", enemy)

Yes, self is Anya. Who is soldier?

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def commandSoldiers():
    for soldier in soldiers:
        enemy = soldier.findNearestEnemy()
        self.command(soldier, "attack", enemy)

For some strange reason, I can’t get into the level itself. It keeps saying “Unable to Load Level” and I have been trying for a couple of days now.

Hi @abc, welcome to the CodeCombat discourse! :tada:
Please could you post a screenshot of your screen and tell me what type of browser you’re using. Have you accessed this level before and written any code?

Yes, I have accessed it before. Now it works fine, I think it was an internet problem. Thanks for trying to help me.

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