Tiresome GCD CPP - default code is wrong

Hey guys. so on tiresome GCD for c++.
The beginning portion of the code keeps giving me an error… I am either blind and missing a simple mistake or the level is bugged. I haven’t changed anything on it but the bottom half of the code that is suppose to be changed. The error marker shows up at the first “IF” statement. Yet, I don’t see anything wrong

// Calculate the secret number and get into the Treasury.
// Those two guys know keys for the password.
var friends = hero.findFriends();
auto number1 = friends[0].secretNumber;
auto number2 = friends[1].secretNumber;
// Just to be sure that the first number is greater.
if (number2 > number1) {
    auto swap = number1;
    number1 = number2;
    number2 = swap;

// It's simple but slow function to find gcd.
auto bruteforceGCD (auto a, auto b) {
    hero.say("The naive algorithm.");
    auto cycles = 0;
    // We enumerate all possible divisors.
    auto counter = b;
    while (true) {
        if (cycles > 100) {
            hero.say("Calculating is hard. I'm tired.");
        // If both number have "counter" divisor.
        if (a % counter == 0 && b % counter == 0) {
    hero.say("I used " + cycles + " cycles");
    return counter;
auto euclidianGCD (auto a, auto b) {
    auto cycles = 0;
    while (b) {
        auto swap = b;
        b = a % b;
        a = swap;
    hero.say("I used " + cycles + " cycles");
    return a;
int main() {
    // Maybe you need to use another function?
    auto secretNumber = euclidianGCD(number1, number2); // ∆
    hero.moveXY(48, 34);
    // The treasury is open (I hope so)! Go there!
    hero.moveXY(68, 34);
    return 0;

I still need help with this. Resetting code/ reloading level does not fix it. I won’t even touch anything and I instantly get this error.

As i remember code cannot be written outside of a function, you can only declare variables/functions etc…
so put this code inside the main() function, the rest is the same:

int main() {
   auto friends = hero.findFriends();
   int number1 = friends[0].secretNumber;
   int number2 = friends[1].secretNumber;
   if (number2 > number1) {
    int swap = number1;
    number1 = number2;
    number2 = swap;
  // code


This one made me feel extra dumb because I came back to it multiple times. I can’t believe I missed something that simple. thanks again.