Who uses Scratch?

Who uses scratch here, and whats your user here is mine :smiley: -AzureSkies-

Also would you rather…

  • Fart Glitter
  • Burp Silly String

0 voters

No, sadly I do not. :frowning:

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Me u want F4F, i already followed u

I am using Scratch but only because I get marks on some projects made with Scratch at school. And please, even if this is Off-Topic, can you please not use words like fart or burp?





ok sorry :frowning: i didnt mean to

i dont really follow people…but i like ur projects

haha i don’t really do scratch anymore just work on my sister’s projects her username is (princess-c)/do codecombat

I used to be pretty active on scratch, but now that I found CodeCombat, I only occasionally check it…
Anyway, here’s my user:

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f4f?i already followed

I don’t do F4F, however if I like your projects I will follow you with duck–, what is your username :face_with_monocle:?

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destroyerichard but you don’t need to follow me

I exist too. I play scratch (still pretty active). :grin:* hands on hips, looking smug).

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Hey, does anyone play scratch? feature your username here and I will follow you! mine:
Wleung616 (I do F4F if necessary.)

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well you do not play but you code it

I saw one topic, maybe here you can find who plays it.
I don’t play Scratch.

I’m _ Codemaster _ no spaces though.

I used to but it was way back in the days, like 3 years ago.

Please don’t create duplicate threads @Wesley_Leung

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What is Sratch?:confused::confused: