I’ve tried the Yeti Eater Level with no avail of how to solve it. What should I do?
Thank you!
# Yetis surround us and we need to defeat them.
# Luckily the wizard had time to cast the sleep spell.
# Your hero can devour the yetis' vital powers when they are defeated.
# Defeat them in the order from weakest to the strongest.
# The wizard sorted enemies, but in the order from the strongest to the weakest.
wizard = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends())
yetis = wizard.findEnemies()
# You need iterate the yetis list in the reverse order with a 'for-loop'.
# The start value should be 'len(yetis) - 1'.
# Iterate while the index greater than -1.
# Use the negative step -1.
for i in range(len(yetis) - 1):
while yetis.index > -1:
yetis.index -= 1
# Attack each enemy while its health greater than 0.
for yeti in yetis:
if yeti.health > 0:
food = yeti
while True:
if hero.isReady("devour"):
if food.health > 0:
yetis.index += 1