Ace of Coders command help

In Ace of Coders, I tried to do this

 var friends = this.built;
 var soldiers = friends.findByType("soldier");

to separate my units. However, I get this error: tmp35[tmp36 is not a function]
Any suggested fixes?

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Ace of Coders - Questions & Feedback

this.built is an array and does not have a findByType method. Your hero has the findByType method. The code should be:

var soldiers = this.findByType('soldier', this.built);
// OR:
var soldiers = this.built.filter(function(unit) { return unit.type === 'soldier'; });

However, note that this.built includes dead units. If you want only the alive ones you can use:

var soldiers = this.findByType('soldier', this.findFriends());
// OR:
var soldiers = this.built.filter(function(unit) {
    return unit.type === 'soldier' && > 0;
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