[Adventurer] Better be dangerous than sorry

This level is using vectors to get through the wizard’s test. The wizard told you that if you manage to get to the treasure of the chamber of night, you get the treasure that is rightfully yours. Good luck!
Link to level

lol the bolded letters spell danger

By the way I can’t get to the treasure chamber. I went through, went to the bones mark, but the goal didn’t trigger.

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Hmm, Ill try investigating the issue. Thanks!

@SuperSmacker did you do it the correct vector way? Or did you “cheat”?

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What do you mean did I cheat?

Also what vector? You didn’t provide any vectors.

I’ll work on that, btw, how did you find out that there is a bone, you search it up on the level editor right? And use the coordinates of the bone and move there, ;(. You found where the obstacles are and went through, which means you cheated your way.

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Well the level was impossible since you didn’t provide the Vector ;(.

By the way there is a way to prevent the obstacle and the spikes from being visible in the level editor. :wink:

How? (20 who knows? Might be dollars :wink: )

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Click to know how ;)
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You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
You think it'll be that easy? Nope TROLLED.
Why are you still reading this? You're weird
Well here's how, if you're that desperate to know.


Just tell me, btw I didn’t even read the whole thing.

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If you tell me how you got those unobtainable items, I’ll tell you how to hide it in the level editor.

U no wat? I’ll figure it out myself

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Good luck! :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t get why you are so unwilling to tell us how u got those items though.

LOL(20 thousand years till u no)

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Probably because you got them probably because you’re a helper. You don’t want to tell us because the way you got those items aren’t as cool as we imagined. You don’t want to tell us because you don’t want to break the image of Chaboi_3000 heroically hacking Code Combat to get those items. Is that why you don’t want to tell us?

Nah, its not actual hacking, I was messing around with stuff, then a lightbulb appeared in my head, and realized oh ok, that works!

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Can you elaborate? :smiley:

Someday, when time has come, probably like, next year.

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Next year as in January 1st or December 31st