[Adventurer] Mail Interceptor

This is a new forest level Mail Interceptor

The level is a practice about functions, also I wanted to “fill” the gap before “Short-sighted Burl”


Nice level about method arguments and functions :slightly_smiling_face: Level requires limited-range glasses though, didn’t realize that until a while later. :smile::eyeglasses:

Thanks. “Twilight glasses” and “Enchanted lenses” is a pain for the forest levels :slight_smile: If I will see more problems with it from beginners then I will limit it (We’re trying not to limit it)

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I keep getting a “Ran Out of time error” on this level when I ‘Submit’, but it says “Success!” when I ‘Run’ the code.

Please find my code below:

def ambushAttack(target):
    #  Attack the target if it exists and return to the mark.
    # Write the function:
if ogre:
        hero.moveXY(52, 37)

while True:
    ogre = hero.findNearestEnemy()

I tried different variations of this replacing “ogre” with target and it keeps giving me the same error.

Thanks in advance.

@nicolares20 welcome!
First, you’d want to indent the if/else statements. Then replace the ogre with target inside the ambushAttack function. So you’d be getting this:

def ambushAttack(target):
    #  Attack the target if it exists and return to the mark.
    # Write the function:
    if target:
        hero.moveXY(52, 37)
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