is it possible to attack in 6 lines?
this is my code and it has 7 lines
{had to delete it. No solutions}
Where do you find the concept challenge levels? Which campaign?
Edit: oh you need subscription
Hint: Read the hints…
[20 chars]
I made it free while it in adventurer mode.
You can. Especially if you read the hints.
my code has 6 lines but it says that it has more than 6 lines.
DM your code to me please.
Do you mean PM? (20)
Yep, DM - Direct Message.
How many concept challenge levels are there? @Bryukh
4 levels. 3 are published. One more will be published soon. We made them several months ago and stopped production of levels like that (we called them open ended levels). Maybe if we will see that they are popular then we will make more OE levels.
I like them a lot (I’m giving a reactions to see if the OE levels are popular or not.)
Also, how come when I try to directly play the level (instead of clicking it in the campaign), it shows that you need a subscription?
I’ve got a problem with my six lines of code. For some reason, on my second pass right, Pender zooms past his intended position and completely misses when he fires. What’s going on?
can you show us your code in the correct way?
I can PM it if you wish.
how to complete this stage with hero.say(“fetch”) ? plz help.
If you use that line of code before your while loop, your pet will manage one of the balls on their own for the rest of the level. Then you have to fill in the rest of the code to have your hero keep the other ball in the air.