u = you
ur = your
yr = your
tysm = thank you so much
ty = thank you
thx or tx or thnx = thanks
plz or pls = please
rlly or rly = really
sry or srry = sorry
idc = i dont care
idrc = i dont really care
idk = i dont know
2 = to or too or two
1 = one or won
4 = for
np = no problem
c = see
ig = i guess
credits to @thebagel for the above
nvrm/nvm = never mind(whatever)
rofl = running/rolling on floor and laughing
ofc = of course
i gtg = i’ve gotta go
imao = in my arrogant opinion
hlo / Hi= hello
Ikr = I know right
ik = I know
afk = away from keyboard
lol = lots of laughter
lol = lots of love
lol = laugh out loud
wdym = what do you mean
hru = how are you
smh = shake my head
tbh = to be honest
dk or dunno = don’t know
imo = in my opinion
imho = in my honest opinion / in my humble opinion
ngl= Not gonna lie
CoCo = CodeCombat
gg = Good Game
gl = Good luck
hf = Have fun
irdc = I really don’t care
idrk = I don’t really know
Tht = that
Chars = characters
Wiki = wikipedia
Cos / ‘cause = because
PM = Private message
DM = Direct message
NGGYUNGGUDNGRAADY = If you see this, you’ve essentially just been rickrolled
Cya = See you (later)
bc = Because
Isn’t = Is not
Won’t = Will not
Ain’t = Is not
Can’t = Cannot/can not
lil’ = Little
We’re = We are
You’re = You are
You’ll = You will
We’ll = We will
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This topic is a wiki, so you can add you own abbreviations.
Made for people who never chatted before, like me)