Here you can say ideas for nicknames for you or others. Like for me I am known as numberz.
marshmellow can be mine xD
Or ghost is fine too. Since marshmellow kinda looks like a ghost in my profile picture xD
You’re moon and will always be moon. Once somebody gets a nickname, they are always called that.
Here, I’ll make a wiki and we can edit in names .
enPointe77 = Thump
moonwatcher348 = Moon/Marshmellow/Ghost
Xownfos = xoxo/Xono
098765432123 = Numberz
riticmaster908 = Ritic
Vanessa = Donut,cat
DragonRider825 = Dwago
Anonym = Anonym/Anon/Nym
Falcons118 = Falc/Fal/Falcon
The_LegendaryPro19 = Legend/Pro
lukas31 = birb/birby/lukas
hellodaddy = dd/birdy
Deadpool198 = Deadpool
Chaboi_3000 = Chaboi
PeterPalov = Peter/The Warlock
Lydia_Song = Lydia
cheddarcheese = cheddar
Monsty22 = Monsty
Endsoldier = Eric, Eric_Tang
Zax155 = Zax
Chanced = Cranko/Joey
Lydia_Song = Wydia
Vanessa = Vannie
098765432123 = nummer-wummers
Endsoldier = Ewic Tangy
Falcons118 = Fawco (im not sure)
enPointe77 = Thump-io
RiceRunner = Wice/Cyn-cyn
Zax155 = Kazuha
Anonym = Leo/Lion
MarmiteOnToast = Marmite
I never heard Chaboi as a Cat Dude tbh
How people call me?
Probably peter. Ye I think some peeps call chaboi cat dude
Hmm, okay
P.S. No one called me like that before though. xd
yea ur right
chabois called chaboi
I just always say Peter.
Btw, dwago has her own nicknames for people. Only she is allowed to call us by those names. For instance, I am Thump-io, and Numberz is nummer wummers, Vanessa is Vannie, and so on.
Aren’t nicknames supposed to be shorter than the original name?
Not in dwago’s mind.
My mind is perfectly fine.
Nicknames can be weird. If your name is like “Jo” with 2 letters, What will be their nickname?
jo??? its only two letters!
Jo is usually the nickname.
Or Joey.
Then Joey Mama
I thought it was Joe Mama…