Alpine Rally: Help!

I don’t know what else to do. My hero starts moving to the redX and the yeti kills her. Here’s my code.

while (hero.pos.x !== 273) {
    hero.move({x: 273, y: 36});
    if (hero.canCast("shrink", hero)) {
        hero.cast("shrink", hero);
    if (hero.canCast("haste", hero)) {
        hero.cast("haste", hero);
    let enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy();
    if (enemy) {
        if (hero.canCast("mana-blast", enemy)) {
            hero.cast("mana-blast", enemy);

Instead of hero.cast(“mana-blast”) it is hero.manaBlast() because Pender has a seperate ability that is not technically a “spell”

Do I change it in the if statement too?

Remove the , enemy because you can’t target enemies with mana-blast; it is just centered around your hero. And change the hero.canCast("mana-blast") to hero.isReady("mana-blast").

She casted her manaBlast right away, but she still dies and she isn’t casting her haste spell.

my hero is using manablast when she gets to the munchkins, but there is just one more of them and it kills her! this is my code:

    let redX = ({x: 273, y: 37});
while (hero.pos != redX) {
    if (hero.canCast("shrink", hero)) {
        hero.cast("shrink", hero);
    let enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy();
    if (enemy && enemy.type == "scout") {
        if (hero.isReady("mana-blast")) {
    if (hero.canCast("haste", hero)) {
        hero.cast("haste", hero);
    if (hero.isReady("reset-cooldown")) {

maybe remove the , hero in the if statement? I don’t know why the hero wouldn’t cast haste

I believe “haste” is working now. Hero.manablast() is also working. Now, my hero is killed by a scout right after I manablast them. I start with very little health. Do I need to buy more armor for Pender?

let redX = {x: 273, y: 37};
while (hero.pos.x != redX.x) {
    let enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy();
    if (enemy && enemy.type !== "yeti") {
        if (hero.isReady("mana-blast")) {
    if (hero.canCast("haste", hero)) {
        hero.cast("haste", hero);

I learned that I cannot use “shrink” and “haste” at the same time, so I got the book with “haste”. I also bought a robe that provided some more health. With these I was able to make it to the red X using “haste”, manablast(), and resetCoolDown().

If you aren’t going to buy other stuff for wizards you should probably just get one of the lower tier armors that should be enough to protect you from scouts.

I don’t think I need any more information. I figured it out.

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