// Find the passwords and get the treasure.
// We intercepted a scout with an encoded message.
var encodedMessage = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends()).message;
// Here we will store passwords.
var passwordArray = [];
// All real passwords have 5 letters.
var passwordLength = 5;
// Split encodedMessage by using a ";" and save the words in a variable.
var spiltMessage = encodedMessage.split(";");
// Iterate over all of the words.
for(var i =0;i<spiltMessage.length;i++){
var word = spiltMessage[i];
var wordClean = word.trim();
if (wordClean.length == 5) {
// Trim each word to remove whitespace.
// If the length of the cleaned word is 5:
// Push the cleaned word to passwordArray:
// Move to each mark and say the correct password:
var marksPos = [{x: 12, y: 14}, {x: 38, y: 38},
{x: 42, y: 16}, {x: 54, y: 12}];
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
var pos = marksPos[i];
hero.moveXY(pos.x, pos.y);
var password = passwordArray[i];
if (password) {
I fail the level and there are NO errors. My code does what the comments say to do.