So whenever I am scrolling down the Latest section, sometimes I see a blue haze around some people’s avatars. What is this for?
Hover over their profile pictures and you’ll find out
Well I’m on my phone so I can’t do that XD
A blue haze means that the user is both the original poster (created the topic) and the most recent poster. (You’re welcome )
LOL(How about an orange/gold haze for people who made it, the most recent poster, the person who pinned it, and the person who closed it. ) XD I didn’t want to say the… You know what.
Thanks everyone
I hate 20 characters!!
What do I know? (or don’t know it seems)
What should have appeared in the parentheses instead of a suggestion.
I don’t get it. (stupid 20 chars)
You got it. ·™º ç˙å®å熴®ßº <- Try solving this.
Seems like a math problem. (Notice the beta and the degree symbol at the end )
It says 20 characters I’m pretty sure?
Hmm. yes but how did I get it? That’s step 2
On word there’s a font which turns words into symbols. or a website.
Nope, none of those are correct
It has the same letters just with accents from different languages and the R from the registered logo and some of the Russian alphabet maybe.
Ur getting further from getting the answer. XD
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