Can't get past Endangered Burl PLEASE HELP

This is what I have and I can’t see what is wrong with it

Remember: don’t attack type “burl”!

if enemy.type is “burl”:
self.say(“I’m not attacking that Burl!”)

The “type” property tells you what kind of creature it is.

if enemy.type is “munchkin”:

Use “if” to attack a “thrower”.

if enemy.type is “thrower”:

If it’s an “ogre”, run away to the village

if enemy.type is “ogre”:
self.moveXY(41, 37)

First edi your post and make you code inside a tag

like this 

now remember that if monsters names is invisible then you have to use findnearstenemy and attack it

how do I make it inside a tag

Select your text and press the ending html tag icon , it’s look like this “</>”

Hiya Stephen! To format the code, You can write it, highight it, and hit Ctl-K, or use this method:

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You guys need to in more simple ways because I am only 11.

I just when to go ask my dad what a html was.

Does your code have a


at the beginning?

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# Remember: don't attack type "burl"!
if enemy.type is "burl":
    self.say("I'm not attacking that Burl!")

# The "type" property tells you what kind of creature it is.
if enemy.type is "munchkin":

# Use "if" to attack a "thrower".
  if enemy.type is "thrower":

# If it's an "ogre", run away to the village 
if enemy.type is "ogre":
    self.moveXY(41, 37)

does that awnser your question

Nice formating! You need to add something to your code to find the nearest enemy, and name whomever that is enemy…


have you played the level I’m on

Yup… if you are still stuck, you might want to review some earlier levels… let me take a look for a good one. We try to get folks to figure it out on their own rather than giving it to them on here… one min.


Replaying the level called “Master of Names” in the dungeon area will refresh your memory. Let me know how it comes out!


I replayed it and for my code I got this

enemy = self.findNearestEnemy()


if "type burl":
    self.say("I'm not attacking that Burl!")

if "type munchkin":

if "type thrower":

if "type ogre":
    self.moveXY(41, 37)

It still doesn’t work and now I ambored cause it is no fun when you try a level for three days and still can’t get it

Your earlier code has enemy.type in it… I think you need it here.


You have just put one good code and remove the other one , please focus more , and it’s a good age to start programming , good luck

the game said that it didn’t like the enemy. type but it likes the new one. But the new one keeps attacking the burls and I don’t know why. =(

don’t know why i couldn’t find that lvl in the map Oo can you post the link of the lvl please
Edit found it