Clicking methods!

Did you butterfly? Or regular.

drag click
long drag
short i get like 35-40 ish cps

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I think i revived the topic for the better lol

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On good days I can jitter like 20 cps? Something like that. I am also making my self jitter more for more experience with it.

Considering i’m using the mousepad built-in to my laptop, I think I did pretty good

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so 96 clicks in 5 secs?

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I have been learning to drag click with the mouse I got a little bit ago. Sometimes it counts the drag and does a good CPS other times it doesn’t.

i hav 40 cps NO TAPE with tape its like 100 cps LOL

Nice. What type of tape is it again? XD

i use electric but alien tape or silicone tape work awesomely
just rub on the stickiness from scotch tape on your mouse to get like 10+ cps (if ur gud)

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