What is the Game Testers?
Game Testers is a group of heroes joining to help CodeCombat improve by balancing, sharing ideas, giving feedback, etc.
Application Requirements
Note: Meeting the requirements does not mean you are automatically accepted. These are the baseline requirements to be eligible for application.
- At least Trust Level 2+(Member or higher)
- Must be proficient at Desert Levels
- Must be a forum member for at least 100 days. (Approx. 3 months)
- Must be a CodeCombat User for at least 6 months
Exceeding these requirements will improve chances of acceptance.
What are we looking for?
We seek highly dedicated users willing to invest some of their time in testing new game features and helping improve CodeCombat
Can I reapply?
If you haven’t received a response in a month, then you may reapply. Please note that if you are found to be attempting to submit 2 or more responses within a single month, your application will automatically be rejected. Note that you will only receive a response if you have been accepted.
Are these members permanent?
Yes, and no. If you are active in the Discourse and contributing ideas, then your membership will not be revoked. Otherwise, at the end of each month, any “inactive” members will lose membership.
Last note
As a token of appreciation, any current Game Tester Members will be given the “Game Testers Member” title. However, if you lose membership in this group, the title will be removed. Additionally, a badge will be sent to current members.
Quick update to let you know that you can now apply in this forum by going to the Game Testers group page and clicking request and applying using the format here. Users who already applied via. Google Forms do not have to apply again. Another note that @Testing_Group staff members are now required to apply to make sure we get constant activity.
Applications are closing Monday 12/7 so please make sure you apply! @Testing_Group, staff members(TL4) must also reapply! Please apply before the specified date.
All applications have been reviewed and applications are closed for the month.
Applications are open again! This time, members are permanent unless the member is inactive, then they will be removed from the group. 
Applications are open! We are potentially looking for a few users who can help test some new upcoming features.
I’ve closed the applications in the meantime, so I can get some time to finally read over the applications. If you applied and didn’t get a response, it means I haven’t gotten through them yet. I’ll try my best to get through them by the end of the break. (No guarantees)
Hello everyone! Applications are open again! We’re looking for a few active folks to help playtest a new game feature. Applications will close within a week or two.
Important Notice:
Due to a shift in game development focus, the Game Testers Group will be closed indefinitely. Thank you to all previous contributors for helping support the development of the game!
For those who are interested in contributing, please check out other ways to contribute here.