Here is a spot to post comic strips you like and to talk about them, and comics in general. Just thought it could be fun.
Here are some examples:
That’s so sad!
That feels like sibling love in a nutshell XD
It’s hilarious how Calvin can fight with himself and a stuffed tiger like that.
wdym? it’s comedy in the form of like… u know, injuries!
Yeah, but it’s still sad.
Guess so… tho idk why
Ok, i’ll put a not so sad one.
Here we go!
Hmmm, I think we have different ideas on what’s sad. I didn’t think that was sad
I love Calvin and Hobbes. I’ve got the complete collection (it’s a massive book), and I’ve read it at least three times. I would definitely recommend it.
Yes, Calvin and Hobbes Is definitely my favorite comic too.
We have a big book called The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes.
I have all of them but it’s 4 books instead of one for me.