Cubic Minefield Javascipt

I literally don’t understand what the cubic equation is and what I am supposed to do :sob:

// Walk through the minefield

// This function returns the number multiplied by the times
function mult(number, times) {
    var total = 0;
    while (times > 0) {
        total += number;
    return total;

// This function returns the number to the exponent power.
function power(number, exponent) {
    var total = 1;
    // Complete the function.
    while (exponent > 0) {
        total += number;
        exponent -= 1;
    return total;

Sorry, I can’t help ya here.I am awful at JS.

I suggest you search it up on Google or something, it might help

This level uses powers, I think. I’ve had to skip it for awhile. If you can’t get it either, you might think of skipping.

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I know this is in python, but it says what to do:

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Uhhh I don´t get it :sob:

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I did, turns out it did help my smol brain comprehend a fraction of what I´m supposed to do.

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Me neither. Just move on until you’re older, I guess.

How do I skip a level?

This level is optional and not part of the actual campaign. You can just do your normal levels.

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I just realized that now :woman_facepalming:

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