Help on Cubic Minefield (Python) [SOLVED]

Hi, @dedreous
I am stuck on Cubic Minefield
I do not know how to complete the function
Any help?

You’ll need to show your code, so we can what/where to help.

Sorry, was in a rush, @dedreous
Anyway, here’s the code:

# Walk through the minefield

# This function returns the number multiplied by the times
def mult(number, times):
    total = 0
    while times > 0:
        total += number
        times -= 1
    return total

# This function returns the number to the exponent power.
def power(number, exponent):
    total = 1
    # Complete the function.
    return total

# Don't change the following code
# You can find coefficients for the equation on the tower
tower = hero.findFriends()[0]
a = tower.a
b = tower.b
c = tower.c
d = tower.d
x = hero.pos.x

while True:
    # To find the path use a cubic equation
    y = a * power(x, 3) + b * power(x, 2) + c * power(x, 1) + d * power(x, 0)
    hero.moveXY(x, y)
    x = x + 5

Also, a snapshot of my situation:

The arrow is still there - I do not know how to complete the function.

Use the first function, def mult() as a template. def power() should look just like it, except that it handles number^exponent, which means number * number * number (etc, etc), where exponent is how many times to multiply number by itself.

This is what I did:

# Walk through the minefield

# This function returns the number multiplied by the times
def mult(number, times):
    total = 0
    while times > 0:
        total += number
        times -= 1
    return total

# This function returns the number to the exponent power.
def power(number, exponent):
    total = 1
    # Complete the function.
    while exponent > 0:
        total += number
        exponent -= 1
    return total

# Don't change the following code
# You can find coefficients for the equation on the tower
tower = hero.findFriends()[0]
a = tower.a
b = tower.b
c = tower.c
d = tower.d
x = hero.pos.x

while True:
    # To find the path use a cubic equation
    y = a * power(x, 3) + b * power(x, 2) + c * power(x, 1) + d * power(x, 0)
    hero.moveXY(x, 75)
    x = x + 5

I lost 900 hp but finished the level?:

heh…you should finish with 100% health :wink:

In the first function you are adding a number to itself, many times. In the second function, you should MULTIPLY instead.

But it worked and I finished the level.
Creativity or madness and giving up?
It’s one of the two because I put hero.moveXY(x, 75) - which lead to me completing the level and me losing 900hp.

my character just keeps running into the bottom of the map. please help!

Please could you post your code.