Dangerous Key: please help me

I need help please here is my code

# Listen to the paladin and fetch the right key.

def onHear(event):
    # The pet can find the paladin and keys.
    paladin = pet.findNearestByType("paladin")
    goldKey = pet.findNearestByType("gold-key")
    silverKey = pet.findNearestByType("silver-key")
    bronzeKey = pet.findNearestByType("bronze-key")
    # If event.speaker is the paladin:
    if event.speaker.type == "paladin":
        # If event.message is "Gold":
        if event.message == "Gold":
            # The pet should fetch the gold key.
        # If event.message is "Silver":
        if event.message == "Silver":
            # The pet should fetch the silver key.
        # If event.message is "Bronze":
        if event.message == "Bronze":
            # The pet should fetch the bronze key.

pet.on("hear", onHear)

My pet keep saying I can’t carry that.
Why is that?
And also I am using a raven as a pet.
Plus there is no error in my code.

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A pet can’t carry a string of text.


On top of what @Serg said, think about why you defined the variables bronzeKey, silverKey, and goldKey. What’s the purpose of defining them if you’re not going to fetch them. :wink:


Ok thank guy sorry I took so long to get that message.

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