Hello everyone, I redo all the levels but this time in LUA. I arrived at the level, of “Deja Brew”, in the “Forest of BackWoods”. I am almost sure of my code, but I would like to ask for confirmation from you, if there is no bug on this level. I remain blocked at the 5th potion.
potionsOnTheWall = 10
numToTakeDown = 1
while potionsOnTheWall >= 0 do
hero:say(potionsOnTheWall .. " potions of health on the wall!")
-- Chantez la ligne suivante:
hero:say(potionsOnTheWall .. " potions of health!")
-- Chantez la ligne suivante:
potionsOnTheWall = potionsOnTheWall - numToTakeDown
hero:say("Take " .. numToTakeDown .. " down, pass it arround!")
-- Chantez la dernière ligne:
hero:say(potionsOnTheWall .. " potions of health on the wall.")